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Services Overview
Services Overview
There are many factors to consider when choosing financial products or services in the market. It’s even more important who you partner up with to help you navigate the most effective and proper ways to utilize them. Ensuring you are always dealing with a Specialist and not just a Generalist in this space can be a critical factor that can potentially be the difference between getting true results or not. At Xtreme 1 Financial we are Specialists amongst Specialists. We are the best in the industry when it comes to empowering our clients with real solutions and not just temporary band-aids. We are able to adapt to every individual’s unique needs and concerns and can assist in the most basic of circumstances all the way up to the complex and intricate needs of those who want to add huge value to their existing portfolios. Our strength is “ERFT” – Helping our clients Eliminate Risk, Fees & Taxes.
Our services include but are not limited to:
- Future and Retirement Planning
- Retirement Saving Plans for Business Owners and Employees
- Rollovers & Annuities (All with principal protection)
- Lifetime Income Strategies
- Wealth Transfer
- Self-Generated Pension Plans
- L.I.R.Ps (Life Insurance Retirement Plans)
- Protection of Principal Risk & Volatility
- Tax-Free Growth & Tax-Free Access to Savings
- Living Benefits (Terminal, Chronic & Critical Illness)
- Permanent & Term Life Insurance (with Living Benefits)
- Mortgage Protection Insurance
- Final Expense Insurance
- Executive Bonus Plans (Provides a powerful way to Attract, Motivate & Retain quality employees)
- Buy/Sell Agreement Insurance
- Key Person Insurance
- College fund Planning
- High Net Worth Planning & Consulting / (Tax Minimization Strategies)
- Business Consulting Partnerships
Living Benefits
Living Benefits
If you believe that life insurance only applies to you when you die, then you have yet to discover the power of living benefits, where you can access your benefit while you are alive.
Living benefits allows you to access a portion or up to all of your death benefit. This gives you the peace of mind that you don’t have to drain any of your own funds or assets. This is the concept of “insuring your money” so in the event that you are unable to perform at work or in your business, you have a bucket of resources that is available to you while you are alive.
Here are the Top 3 Living Benefits to look for.
Terminal Illness Insurance
A majority of carriers will include Terminal Illness living benefits in their insurance products. This benefit will apply when your physician diagnoses you with a terminal illness that is likely to result in your death within 24 months.
Chronic Illness Insurance
You are eligible for Chronic Illness living benefits when your physician certifies, within the last 12 months, that you are unable to perform at least two of the six Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) unassisted for a minimum of 90 days consecutively or you are cognitively impaired for a minimum of 90 days. ADLs include bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting and transferring.
Note: Medicare does not cover this type of care and many individuals without this type of living benefit will be forced to drain their own resources and assets to cover expenses related to this kind of illness.
Critical Illness or Injury Insurance
Experiencing a critical illness may be a huge financial burden to you and your family. We are all potentially one doctor’s visit away from being physically unable to perform our duties to earn income. Having this type of living benefit may be a key component in protecting your income and/or your financial future or retirement. The most basic Critical illness or Injury living benefits cover being diagnosed with cancer, heart attack and stroke, as these are some of the most common illnesses and leading causes of death worldwide. –(World Health Organization – “Top 10 Causes of Death” -Aug 5, 2020)
This type of living benefit may also cover many other illnesses such as:
-Angioplasty, Kidney failure, Organ transplants, Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, Cystic fibrosis, Paralysis, Severe burns
Indexed Strategy
Indexed Strategy
Applying an Indexed Strategy allows you the ability to gain interest based on the performance of an Index, without any downside risk or volatility. Essentially your funds are not (In the market), but rather your funds are (Linked to the market). There are many known indices that all of the top financial institutions in the United States utilize. Some of the most well-known Indices include, but are not limited to the S&P 500 Index, the Global Index, Fidelity Multifactor Yield 5% ER Index, Barclays Trailblazer Sector 5 Index, Credit Suisse Balanced Trend 5% Index and many more. Utilizing such a strategy allows you to grow money Tax-Free with the ability to access your money 100% Tax-Free with absolutely no penalties, restrictions or age limitations. Liquidity and the flexible use of your funds is an important factor to always consider when saving for your future and/or retirement. These strategies have been implemented by the top 1% of America for decades and now is becoming a new standard when it comes to future and retirement planning.
Some of the most well-known benefits of utilizing an indexed strategy include, but are not limited to the following:
- Principal protection to your funds from risk or market volatility
- Flexible use of your funds without any Penalties, Restrictions or Age Limitations
- Liquidity and easy access to your funds
- Removing unnecessary advisor or money management fees that greatly erode your funds over time (Even a 1% fee attached to your money over the course of 20 years can wipe away up to 10 years of spendable retirement income)
- Tax-Free growth & Tax-Free access to your funds
- Greater peace of mind when saving for your future or retirement
Retirement Planning
Retirement Planning
Retirement is not about Age, it’s about Income…Period! When most people are asked about retirement, many just pick an arbitrary age out of thin air based on what they’ve heard from others. Often times, people remain clueless as to how to exactly plan for a time in their life when they can ACTUALLY stop working. They’ve been told fictitious slogans like, “You’ll be fine as long as you just contribute to your company 401k plan.” Or “Just save 10% of your money and you’ll be ok down the road.” Unfortunately, these slogans are exactly what they sound like…Slogans! They are often derived from inaccurate information and vague beliefs from people that are not qualified to even give such advice. The bottom line is that saving a lump sum of money for your future may not be the only answer to your future retirement needs. For one, people are living much longer these days, which means that there is “More Life at the End of the Money” and people are obliviously unaware of these critical factors that pertain to them. Retirement is not about planning down the road; it’s about HOW you plan right NOW for this future time in your life.
Another huge misconception is that Saving a Lump Sum of money is the solution to your retirement problems. This couldn’t be the furthest from the truth and reality. Now with longer life spans than ever, you need to consider how long your savings will last you.
For example, if you had $400,000 sitting in your employer qualified contribution plan, such as a 401k, 403b, 457, TSP or Deferred Compensation Plan, then first of all, you would need to more than likely have earned $700,000 – $800,000 because you haven’t yet factored in Fees & Taxes. But in this hypothetical “Lump Sum” amount, let’s say you had that amount sitting NET in your account and now it’s your time to retire. The problem you face now is that your money needs to last for at least 20 years in your retirement years. If you do the math and divide $400k by 20 years, that’s only a measly $20,000 of income PER YEAR. Again, this hasn’t factored in fees that are perpetually eroding your retirement funds, taxes, or even inflation. Imagine how much $20k per year of income would be worth 20-30 years from now…not the most ideal scenario most people are willing to face. This is only because they haven’t been educated on real strategies and solutions from an actual Specialist in this regard. If this resonates with you, please don’t’ hesitate to (Contact Us) for a brief No Obligation Discovery Call where we can determine if we can help you achieve your financial needs and goals.
Xtreme 1 Financial is the best in the industry as Specialists in this area.
Lifetime Income Need
If you’re planning on retiring one day, then Lifetime Income and real strategies to obtain this should be a serious consideration. The need to create a steady stream of income that you cannot outlive is something that the majority of financial planners and advisors do not consult you on. In fact, it is often NOT what they specialize in. We at Xtreme 1 Financial are experts in this subject matter and often exceed clients’ expectations on what they believe is even possible. If you are concerned whether or not Social Security income or your own savings will be enough for retirement, then creating a Self-Generated Pension Plan should be a key element in your retirement planning.
Health Care Needs
Health care needs and associated costs are constantly on the rise as we age. The problem is that without proper protection of your income or money, you will be forced to deplete your own resources for such costs. This will further delay or even eliminate retirement as a reality altogether. Government programs such as Medicare may provide some safety net, but often times, is not enough to face the rigorous challenges of Chronic Illness or Long-Term Care needs. These issues are a devastating reality to one’s retirement and should always be factored in to your retirement plans today in order to safeguard your financial well-being for your future.
Estate Protection
Transferring of your assets can be a daunting thing to think about. Understanding the impact of your decisions today matters if there are survivors who may be dependent upon the assets of your estate for their own financial security. Even if that’s not the case, proper estate planning is a critical element of retirement planning to ensure that your legacy passes on to your heirs in the manner in which you see fit for those that matter in your life. Larger estates that exceed your state’s Estate Tax Exemption limit may be under siege due to projected death taxes, which could potentially force unwanted liquidation of your assets if the proper planning to cover this tax liability is not done. (Please see your applicable state’s Estate Tax Exemption criteria.)
Business Succession Planning
Business Succession Planning
When a partner or major stockholder in a business passes, business succession planning may be necessary to avoid problematic and costly interference from the surviving family members. A business is mainly concerned with gaining control of the deceased partner’s interest at a fair price so that it can smoothly continue operations. The surviving family members are most concerned with receiving as much money as possible for their interest in the business and capital for estate settlement purposes.
The Need for a Written Agreement
Without a written agreement, competing interests between a business and family members may result in unwanted conflict, litigation and even unnecessary liquidation of the business. Having a Buy-Sell Agreement in place can ensure that the business interest of the deceased partner will transfer to the benefit and satisfaction of all parties. A Buy-Sell agreement in place can ensure the stability of the business, its employees, its investors and the surviving family members of the deceased.
A properly designed Buy-Sell Agreement includes a mutually agreed upon sales price and terms of the sale. The agreement must be funded in order to ensure that the capital is funded at the time of a partner’s death. A properly designed life insurance policy provides an efficient and cost-effective means of providing necessary funds to buy out the interests of the deceased partner’s family and establish a reserve for the business to continue operations.
Types of Business Owner Buy-Sell Arrangements
Entity Plan: This type of plan Involves multiple business owners that have a separate agreement with the corporation or partnership as the entity.
Cross Purchase Agreement: This type of agreement is used when there are two or three owners and a cross purchase agreement is established between each of the owners. When one of the owners passes, the surviving owners agree to buy a proportionate share of the deceased owner’s interest.
Buy-Sell Agreements are an effective and simple way for business owners or privately held companies to plan for the orderly transfer of business interests of two or more owners actively involved in the business. This agreement can also secure the needs of the surviving family members of a deceased partner while ensuring the continuation of the business.
Business succession planning may require proper legal, tax and insurance advice. It is always recommended to seek a specialist when discussing your options.
If you would like more information, please Contact Us Today.
Saving For Your Future
Saving For Your Future
When you are planning for your financial future, it is always wise to consult with a Specialist who has the expertise to guide you. Most people simply accept what’s offered to them from their employer or their advisor and never ask questions or understand the magnitude of the Risks, Restrictions, Fees and Tax consequences involved in such investments. You don’t know what you don’t know so it’s understandable that many are challenged to find a real solution that serves their best interest for their financial future.
Xtreme 1 Financial is #1 in the nation when it comes to serving people with their personal finance and saving for their future & retirement while Eliminating Risk, Fees & Taxes, which we call the (ERFT Method). We’re the best in our industry to help people create and implement a plan that gives them immediate results and protection.
When it comes to investing in yourself and saving for your future or retirement, it’s important to know that simply following herd-like practices is NOT the answer to securing a strong financial foundation. Our strength and core focus is to bring the education and strategies that the top 1% have been utilizing for decades and bringing those same methods to the masses.
A properly structured Savings Strategy and plan for the future should include the following:
- A Guarantee protecting your hard-earned money / principal from Risk & Volatility
- Removal of advisor & management fees that erode your investment over time
- Even a 1% fee attached to your retirement over time can erase up 10 years of retirement income from your hard-earned money
- Tax-Free Growth & Access to your principal
- A removal of penalties, restrictions and age limitations to access your money
- Understanding your actual target age for retirement & financial goals so that a specific plan can be created and reversed engineered for you to actually achieve them
- A plan on how to keep more money in your own pocket versus unnecessarily giving it away in taxes to Uncle Sam
- Living Benefits to “insure your money” during your prime or working years in the event that you’re unable to work due to a Chronic or Critical Illness, so that you never have to deplete your own funds or assets (ie: personal savings, home equity, emergency funds, etc.)
Schedule a brief Discovery Call to determine how we can best serve you, Contact Us Today.
Financial Calculators
Financial Calculators
Brian Bartfeld

Brian Bartfeld
Brian Bartfeld is a diversified and serial entrepreneur with a wide range of experience in a very successful family-owned business serving the San Francisco Bay Area, which he also proudly calls home. Brian's technical background paired with his ability to identify customer's unmet needs make him the ideal fit in creating an impact in people's lives. Brian is a strategic thinker with a proven track record of identifying and developing the right products to help his clients with the specialized ERFT Method (Eliminating Risk, Fees and Taxes). He is responsible for promoting, educating and driving awareness in all aspects of our industry and curing financial illiteracy. Being a Principal at Xtreme 1 Financial has been the most rewarding career move for Brian. Helping people build a foundation is the most important goal for Brian along with X1's mission to create the largest movement to protect individual and family legacies.
Brian also proactively volunteers in his community where he coaches youth sports in his spare time.
Andrew Del Mundo

Andrew Del Mundo
Bringing over seven years of expertise in the financial industry, Andrew has been guiding individuals towards financial freedom since 2015. Having recently relocated from Canada to the US in 2022, he specializes in personalized retirement planning and investment strategies. Andrew's approach focuses on eliminating risk, fees, and taxes (ERFT), ensuring that clients navigate financial complexities with ease. Committed to excellence and personalized service, he simplifies financial concepts and provides actionable insights to secure long-term wealth preservation and growth.
Andrew's goal is to make financial planning accessible and rewarding for everyone, leveraging his years of experience to offer comprehensive solutions tailored to clients' unique needs. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with his dog and traveling to new destinations with his wife of over 25 years.
Jonathan Mercado

Jonathan Mercado
Jonathan is a former professional boxer, graduated cum laude from Arizona State University with a degree in Non-Profit Leadership and Management. Driven by a passion for empowering others, he founded a non-profit organization focused on teaching basketball fundamentals and life skills to underprivileged youth. Jonathan also dedicated five years to serving as a physical education teacher and continues to contribute to his community as a basketball trainer and high school coach.
Motivated by a personal mission to address financial preparedness, particularly inspired by his mother’s challenges in planning for retirement, Jonathan transitioned into the financial industry. He now specializes in using the ERFT method—a strategy designed to eliminate risk, fees, and taxes—to protect his clients’ assets from market volatility while providing them with peace of mind.
Jonathan’s resilience, honed during his boxing career, fuels his commitment to his clients. He combines his life experiences, financial expertise, and passion for education to help individuals and families achieve long-term financial security.
Married for five years and a proud father to his son, Jonathan is also an author, currently working on two books—one focused on high school basketball and another on financial literacy. His dedication to serving others extends beyond his career, ensuring every client feels supported in their journey toward financial confidence and security.
Amro Ahmed

Amro Ahmed
Amro Ahmed is an experienced Financial Specialist. With Being in the industry over a decade he provides a very unique perspective to both clients and agents in the Personal Finance Space. Amro is a strategic thinker and his entrepreneur spirit allows him to stand out by understanding and solving problems when it comes to helping clients achieve ERFT( Eliminating Risk, Fees, and Taxes). Amro's proven track record not only speaks for itself but continues to grow year to year, breaking records in the industry.
In this stage of Amro's career he is dedicated and focused to helping clients achieve financial literacy by educating and also helping them make great financial decisions even long after they interact by empowering clients with knowledge.
Amro also has a family with is beautiful wife Carmen and 3 kids.